Womans Capital Works Advisory Group PNG

Planpac Group are currently working on the Hela Provincial Hospital Redevelopment in Tari, Hela Province, Papua New Guinea. The hospital services the whole of the Hela province and up to 80% of patients who frequent the hospital are woman and children.

Laura Grimshaw, a Senior Designer from Planpac's Townsville office and Amelia James a Designer for the Port Moresby office were involved in the Woman's Capital Works Advisory Group that took place recently. During the meeting, the team provided consultancy and design advice to the hospital on the redevelopment of facilities, which directly impact the welfare of women and children who visit the hospital. In the redevelopment process Planpac is undertaking, mothers, children and staff safety is a key focus of the design brief.  

Image (L-R):  Traditional Huli Wigmen greeting Laura and Amelia at Tari airport on arrival,  Laura being gifted with a Hela Woman’s bilem knitted by a local Hela woman, Design workshop with Woman’s committee representatives.

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Port Moresby

Planpac Group PNG Limited

Ground Floor, PwC Haus, Allotment 34, Section 44, Granville, National Capital District, Port Moresby

+675 320 3874